Display configuration

The visualization of a VCF file can be controlled via the displayConfiguration option, i.e.,

   "uid": "your-track-id",
   "type": "vcf",
   "data": {
      "type": "vcf",
      "vcfUrl": "https://url_to_file.vcf.gz",
      "tbiUrl": "https://url_to_file.vcf.gz.tbi",
      "chromSizesUrl": "https://url_to_chromsizes.txt",
   "options": {
   "width": 500,
   "height": 150,

Referring to VCF data

In the definitions and examples below, the value of the field property can refer to a column or value in the VCF file. Example:

chr1	0	0	.	.	.	.	END=2300000;NAME=p36.33;GIESTAIN=gneg
chr1	2300000	1	.	.	.	.	END=5300000;NAME=p36.32;GIESTAIN=gpos25

POS in our display configuration will refer to 0 for the first segment and 2300000 for the second segment. Similarly, INFO:NAME will refer to p36.33 and p36.32.

If the VCF file contains samples, e.g.,

chr1	1656917	MANTA1	T	DUP	78	PASS	END=1722387;SVTYPE=DUP;SVLEN=65470;CIEND=-610,610   GT:FT	0/1:PASS

then SAMPLES:MySample:GT will refer to 0/1.

In general, descriptive strings (like for tooltips or labels) can refer to data in the VCF file. E.g., the string Genotype: $SAMPLES:MySample:GT$ in the display configuration will be replaced by Genotype: 0/1 in the visualization.

Horizontal alignment

By defining xStart and xEnd, you can control where on the x axis (genomic axis) the data is visualized.

    "xStart": {
        "field": "POS"
    "xEnd": {
        "field": "INFO:END"

xStart defaults to the value in the POS column of the VCF file. The start position of the segment is then given by CHROM:POS. xEnd is optional and defaults to POS+1, i.e., if xEnd is omitted, a rectangle (or other mark) is drawn from CHROM:POS to CHROM:POS+1. In the example above xEnd is set to the value END in the INFO column of the VCF file. Thus, a rectangle from CHROM:POS to CHROM:(INFO:END) will be drawn. Note, that the field property can point to any integer value in the VCF file, that represents a genomic location in the chromosome of that segment.

Vertical alignment

The vertical alignment can be controlled via yAlignment.

"yAlignment": {
    "type": "horizontal"

Currently horizontal and pileup is supported.


Visual marks can be controlled with the marks object. Minimally, it has the form

"mark": {
    "default": "rect",
    "size": 16

Currently rect, triangle-north, triangle-south, triangle-west, triangle-east are supported mark types. Marks can dynamically change based on the underlying data. In the example below a triangle is displayed when the GIESTAIN value in the INFO column is acen or stalk. In all other cases a rectangle is shown.

"mark": {
    "field": "INFO:GIESTAIN",
    "type": "nominal",
    "domain": ["acen", "stalk"],
    "range": ["triangle-east", "triangle-west"],
    "default": "rect",
    "size": 16


The colors of different marks can be controlled with the colors object. Minimally, it has the form

"color": {
    "default": "#ff0000"

which will color all marks red. A more nuanced coloring scheme based on the underlying data can be achieved with, e.g.,

"color": {
    "field": "INFO:GIESTAIN",
    "type": "nominal",
    "domain": ["stalk", "gvar", "gneg", "gpos25", "gpos50", "gpos75", "gpos100"],
    "range": ["#9F9F9F", "#4F4F4F", "#EEEEEE", "#B9B9B9", "#848484", "#6A6A6A", "#4F4F4F"],
    "default": "#000000"

This will color the segments depending on the value of GIESTAIN. Values of GIESTAIN that are not in the color.domain list are colored with black.


Individual segments can be labeled with data from the VCF file. These labels pan and zoom with the segment.

"label": {
    "type": "contained",
    "align": "left",
    "text": "Name: $INFO:NAME$",
    "excludes": {
        "field": "INFO:GIESTAIN",
        "values": ["acen", "stalk"],
    "color": "automatic",
    "fontSize": 13

In this example each segment is labeled with Name: $INFO:NAME$, where $INFO:NAME$ is replaced with the corresponding data from the VCF file. Segments with GIESTAIN values acen or stalk are not labeled.




Only contained is supported, which places the label inside the segment


left, right or center


Label text. Enclose VCF data in $ signs


Remove label for certain segments


HEX value or automatic. automatic uses a light or dark color based on the underlying mark color


Controls the label size


Tooltips appear when hovering over a mark/segment. They can be controlled using the tooltip object. Tooltips can be dependent on a value in the VCF file. In the example below we should different tooltips based on the value of GIESTAIN. Toolstip definitions can be text or HTML. As before $...$ are replaced with the data in the VCF file.

"tooltip": {
    "field": "INFO:GIESTAIN",
    "type": "nominal",
    "domain": ["acen", "delimiter"],
    "range": [
        `<table>` +
            `<tr><td>Chromosome:</td><td>$CHROM$</td></tr>` +
            `<tr><td>Name:</td><td>$INFO:NAME$</td></tr>` +
            `<tr><td>Stain:</td><td>Centromeric region</td></tr>` +
        "Chromosome boundary"
    "default": `<table>` +
                    `<tr><td>Chromosome:</td><td>$CHROM$</td></tr>` +
                    `<tr><td>Name:</td><td>$INFO:NAME$</td></tr>` +
                    `<tr><td>Stain:</td><td>$INFO:GIESTAIN$</td></tr>` +